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Completely Kindergarten's Shop

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Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!




Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!
Materials: Testing Properties Experiment

Materials: Testing Properties Experiment

This is my "Testing Properties" experiment. Students will be shown 3 different types of materials: Plastic, stone, and wood. The students will do 3 tests on each materials to determine which one is the most useful in our day to day lives. They should test each material in flexibility, water resistance, and strength by having it support weight. Students will complete the first side of the activity together before the experiment, then do the experiment, and finally will write about their conclusions. The recording sheet follows the scientific method/process skills when conducting an experiment. Step One: Make Guesses Step Two: Determine if the test is fair Step Three: Experiment Step Four: Draw the experiment Step Five: Discuss findings Step Six: Suggest an alternative material
Testing Materials Experiment

Testing Materials Experiment

This is my "Testing Properties" experiment. Students will be shown 3 different types of materials: Plastic, stone, and wood. The students will do 3 tests on each materials to determine which one is the most useful in our day to day lives. They should test each material in flexibility, water resistance, and strength by having it support weight. Students will complete the first side of the activity together before the experiment, then do the experiment, and finally will write about their conclusions. The recording sheet follows the scientific method/process skills when conducting an experiment. Step One: Make Guesses Step Two: Determine if the test is fair Step Three: Experiment Step Four: Draw the experiment Step Five: Discuss findings Step Six: Suggest an alternative material
Materials: Types of Rocks

Materials: Types of Rocks

This is a nice cut and paste activity that allows students to match types of materials/rocks. Great for assessing how we use different materials in everyday life.
Testing Ramp Materials

Testing Ramp Materials

This is my "Testing Ramps" experiment, which allows students to test different surface materials for a ramp: Legos, paper, and sandpaper. We did this experiment to determine what was the best material to use for a surface for cars in our model of our community we made. Students will complete the first side of the activity together before the experiment, then do the experiment, and finally will write about their conclusions. The recording sheet follows the scientific method/process skills when conducting an experiment. Step One: Make Guesses Step Two: Determine if the test is fair Step Three: Experiment Step Four: Draw the experiment Step Five: Discuss findings Step Six: Suggest an alternative material for a surface
STEM: Building Circuits Mini Books

STEM: Building Circuits Mini Books

This is a set of 4 mini instruction books explaining with pictures how to build 4 different types of circuits. Most circuit kits at schools come with these items, but I purchased each item from Amazon, Home Depot and Radio Shack for my circuit centers. My students will each have a box to work with containing different parts of circuits, and they will then use the instruction book to assemble the circuit. ***PLEASE NOTE: Additional materials are needed if you want to set up your own circuit centers*** Light Circuit: Low watt bulb, matching bulb holder, 2 alligator clips with wires, and a 9V battery Solar Light Circuit: 3v solar panel (Amazon) and a 3v LED light Motion Circuit: 3v motor (Amazon) and a 3v coin cell battery Sound Circuit: 3v buzzer (Amazon) and a 3v coin cell battery Simply print out the pages, cut, laminate, and bind to make mini books. Each book contains visual steps, as well as a description of what to do. Set these up in an independent science center as well! Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Rolling Balls Experiment

Rolling Balls Experiment

This is my "Rolling Balls" experiment. Students will be shown 3 different types of balls: Baseball, soccer ball, and football. Students will take each ball and roll it down a type of ramp, marking how far each ball rolls. This experiment is designed to look at the shape of an item and talk about how it affects the way something moves. Students will complete the first side of the activity together before the experiment, then do the experiment, and finally will write about their conclusions. The recording sheet follows the scientific method/process skills when conducting an experiment. Step One: Make Guesses Step Two: Determine if the test is fair Step Three: Experiment Step Four: Draw the experiment Step Five: Discuss findings Step Six: Suggest an alternative item to roll
Makerspace Display Banner

Makerspace Display Banner

This is a display banner for your classroom Makerspace. Makerspaces, areas for allowing students to create and build with everyday materials, and they are growing ever more popular in classrooms around the world. This is a fun and engaging banner to have in your classroom's Makerspace area.
Circuitry: Building a Simple Computer

Circuitry: Building a Simple Computer

This is a template that takes a basic understanding of circuits and applies it to real world application by building a simple computer. Great for a STEM extension activity. Computer languages are based on code; a series of combinations of 0 and 1. This circuit allows students to try their hand at making basic computer language with circuits and switches. This packet includes: 1 template 1 introduction page 4 step instructions (**Please note that you will need the selected materials per student to complete this activity, all of which can be purchased at local stores or on Amazon: 3v coin cell battery, Diode LED lights, roll of 5mm copper tape, pennies, and binder clips) The beauty of this product is that it can be used with any age range, and can be expanded upon if necessary. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback.
Valentine's Kids Clipart

Valentine's Kids Clipart

This is a set of Valentine's Kids, boys and girls, for commercial and personal use. Perfect for your valentine's units. This set includes: 3 boys holding valentines 3 boys giving valentines 3 girls holding valentines 3 girls giving valentines 3 boys and girls exchanging valentines 5 blackline masters http://completelykindergarten.blogspot.com/ Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Penguin Clipart

Penguin Clipart

This is a set of 10 Penguins Clip Art that is for Commercial and Personal use. Please make sure to read the terms and conditions when using the clipart.
Winter Kids Clipart

Winter Kids Clipart

This is a pack of Winter Themed clipart. It includes: 7 boys and girls in winter clothing 6 mittens 4 hot chocolates 4 blackline masters Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Scientist Kids Clipart

Scientist Kids Clipart

This is a Collection of 6 Scientist Kids Clipart for Commercial and Personal Use. Please make sure that you read the terms and conditions before using in an item. This is a zip file so please be sure that you have something to open it with before purchasing.
STEM Building Challenge Cubes

STEM Building Challenge Cubes

This is a fantastic product to introduce to your STEM students, or eager engineers. Similar to "Story Cubes", these are "STEM Cubes". Students roll all the cubes together, and position them to be face up after rolling. Students will determine which materials they can select, how much of each material, how much time they have to build, and can even be suggested a topic to build. Set these cubes out as an independent center, team building, group work, etc... ***PLEASE NOTE*** You must provide your students with the variety of materials featured on the dice in order for them to complete the task successfully. All materials are easily accessible no matter where you are. This packet includes: 5 Materials dice (with varying materials) 1 Quantity dice (to declare how much of each material) 1 Minutes dice (to show how much time students have to build) 1 Design dice (with suggestions for students on what to build) 1 Blank Minutes dice (for teachers to choose their own timings) 1 Blank Quantity dice (for teachers to choose their own quantities) Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Building Sandcastles CCSS

STEM: Building Sandcastles CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Perfect for an OCEAN UNIT or END OF THE YEAR celebration activity! Students will complete this 2 part activity to create and test different sand mixtures, then select the best one for building and then build the tallest sand structure they can, culminating with completing the ELA and Math activities. The idea is for students to see different combinations of sand, and to test the strength when building. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Play sand, cornstarch, baby oil, shaving cream, flour, water, storage containers with lids. Standards Covered: K.MD.A.1, 1.MD.A.2, 2.MD.A.1, 2.MD.A.2, W.K.2, W.K.3, W.K.8, W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.8, W.2.2, SL.K.1, SL.K.3, SL.K.5, SL.K.6, SL.1.1, SL.1.5, SL.2.1 This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Set up Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Building Sandcastles Differentiated Self Assessment Building Sandcastles Differentiated Writing Extension Building Sandcastles Sand Mixture Recipes Building Sandcastles DifferentiatedMath Extensions Building Sandcastles Differentiated ELA Extensions Building Sandcastles Real World Extension Building Sandcastles Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Building Prosthetic Limbs CCSS

STEM: Building Prosthetic Limbs CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for 3-5 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will put themselves into the perspective of a Biomedical Engineer. For further details, sample photos, and examples of student work, please visit my blog: http://completelykindergarten.blogspot.com/2015/02/stem-building-prosthetic-limbs.html ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Duct tape, large popsicle sticks, cables, rope, foam, plungers, tin foil, toilet tubes, paper towel tubes, sponges, cardboard. There should be enough plungers (1 for each group, I got mine at the 99 cents store), and other materials can be donated by parents and should be replenished as needed. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for 3-5 Lesson Procedures Client Information Cards (6) Price cards for materials Student Workbook Cover Page Table of Contents Page Client Information Page Measurements Page Design Page Decorations Page Materials & Cost Page Field Tests Page Commercial Instructions Page Discussing Design Page Written Reflection Page Banner Make one workbook for each group of students. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Building Walls for Humpty Dumpty CCSS

STEM: Building Walls for Humpty Dumpty CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read the Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme, and be challenged to use specific materials to build a new wall for Humpty Dumpty so that he won't fall. ***Please note that additional materials are needed for this activity*** Plastic cups, sugar cubes, popsicle sticks, white glue, scissors, cardboard squares, and hard boiled eggs! This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme student copy Humpty Dumpty Differentiated Self Assessment Humpty Dumpty Differentiated Math Extension Humpty Dumpty Wall Designs Humpty Dumpty Student Answers Labels Humpty Dumpty Wall Building Banner for classroom display Humpty Dumpty Poster Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Balancing Apples CCSS

STEM: Balancing Apples CCSS

Balancing Apples This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read "10 Apples Up On Top", and conduct an experiment to see how many apples they can balance on top of a cup with the use of toothpicks, and with toothpicks. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Apples, toothpicks, plastic cups (Solo), ziploc bags. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Balancing Apples Differentiated Self Assessment Balancing Apples Differentiated Writing Extension Balancing Apples Lesson Explanation Balancing Apples Experiment Predictions Balancing Apples Experiment Drawing Balancing Apples Measurement Balancing Apples Banner for classroom display
STEM: Coding the North Pole Packet CCSS/NGSS

STEM: Coding the North Pole Packet CCSS/NGSS

This STEM activity is designed for K-2nd grade students to gain some hands on experience through a themed un-plugged coding activity. Students will help guide Santa through different parts of the North Pole (getting from Point A to Point B) by giving coding directions. This packet includes: Cover Page 2 pages of ELA and NGSS standards Teacher Instructions Student Procedure/Checklist Writing Extension North Pole Map Coding Directions 16 Task Cards Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Designing Lifeboats & Lifejackets for Titanic CCSS

STEM: Designing Lifeboats & Lifejackets for Titanic CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for 3-5 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read or be learning about the history of the Titanic, and then will design better lifeboats, and test different materials for an insulated lifejackets. Standards 3.MD.B.3, 4.MD.B.4, 5.MD.B.2, 3.G.A.1, 4.G.A.3, 5.G.B.3, RI.3.10, RI.4.10, RI.5.10, W.3.1, W.4.1, W.5.1 ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Straws, duct tape, tin foils, 100-200 pennies or other coins, ziploc bags (large and/or sandwich size), ice cubes, cotton balls, Crisco, plastic spoons, bubble wrap, sponges, water, plastic bowls or plastic boxes, Mercury thermometers. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for 3-5 Lesson Procedures 2 Informational Texts Symmetry Activity for Lifeboat Design 1st and Final Design for Lifeboats Lifeboat Self Assessment Insulation Graph Insulation Experiment Explanation Insulation Temperature Line Plot Insulation Temperature Line Plot Questions Insulation Materials Description Cards Overall Reflection
STEM: Designing Futuristic & Functional Clothing CCSS

STEM: Designing Futuristic & Functional Clothing CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for 4-5 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. In groups students will read informational text about the evolution of clothing to then design and create a futuristic and functional clothing item based on the measurements of one group member. The clothing must be made only from the provided materials, must be able to carry food (snacks), must be wearable and fit the measurements of the selected group member, and be submitted for a weight evaluation. Students also have the option of creating an advertisement for the finished clothing item, which can be completed as a clothing commercial with technology or presented on a poster. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Variety of Ziploc bags (small, medium, large), rolls of tape, snack items (pretzels, Goldfish, crackers, etc...), futuristic decorations (tapes, stickers, etc...) and a luggage weighing scale Standards: 4.MD.A.2, 5.MD.C.5, 4.NBT.B.4, 5.NBT.B.5, RI.4.10, RI.5.10, W.4.1, W.4.3, W.5.1, W.5.3, SL.4.1, SL.5.1 This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for 3-5 Lesson Procedures Student self assessment Teacher Sample of Finished Product (NOT FOR STUDENTS) Clothing Evolution Informational Text Designing Clothing Lesson Directions for students Designing Clothing Brainstorming Page Designing Clothing Measurement Recording Sheet Designing Clothing Current Functional Clothing Samples Designing Clothing Student Checklist Designing Clothing Measurement Explanation Designing Clothing Commercial Worksheet Designing Clothing Budget Sheet Designing Clothing Display Banner Designing Clothing Weight Check Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!